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"How tomorrow's world will look like depends to a large extent on the imagination of those who start learning to read today."


Astrid Lindgren

The history of our foundation is closely linked to children's books. That is why reading is the central theme of our foundation commitments. Essentially, however, we are concerned with people, humanity and equal opportunities.

We believe in the power of education.


In the opportunities of an individual and the positive impact on a society. Reading is a central key to the success and focus of our commitment. And other elementary ones too life-  and future skills, that prepare children and young people for a self-determined and fulfilling life.


We bring people together.


Children and young people with educational deficits and young educators or social workers with energy, knowledge and know-how. They are the backbone of our volunteer program. Young volunteers from Germany, Namibia and South Africa who come to share their knowledge, make their contribution and broaden their horizons.


Countless opportunities to learn from and with one another.

+++ News from the foundation  +++

Erfahrungsbericht Max
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We promote life skills:
Sewing is back in Aussenkehr!

The sewing workshop as part of our afternoon care at Aussenkehr Primary School Namibia is picking up speed again! Two of our new volunteers bring the necessary know-how AND there is enough fabric to practice with!

This means that the children and young people can once again be taught a valuable "life skill" that gives them the opportunity to develop their creativity and perhaps learn another skill for shaping their future. The first attempts have already been very promising!

Duales Studium

Unsere Stiftung ist seit 2001 offizieller Ausbildungspartner der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg. Unser "Pilot-Student" Max S. hat seinen Bachelor der Sozialen Arbeit jetzt erfolgreich abgeschlossen und berichtet uns in einem Interview über seine spannenden Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse in Namibia und Südafrika.

New NEWS letter

News from Aussenkehr, field reports and prospects of our projects on site.
read here

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Training in Germany

Students from Namibia have the opportunity to complete vocational training in the German city of Schwebisch Hall.
watch the movie

Relocation of our reading club

The Paternoster Public Library provides us a room for our afternoon program.

learn more

This year we have a nice gift idea for you: Let your loved ones become "a future donor" together with us!


With our voucher you support either the construction of a school library in Namibia or the purchase of an emergency generator for South Africa. When making your donation, state either the purpose BRICK or EMERGENCY GENERATOR. Simply print out the voucher yourself at home or write us. We would be happy to send you an attractive voucher by post.


Here is the donation form
PDF voucher BRICK


Would you like to volunteer in South Africa or Namibia?

Bring your potential into the world

Benefit from the unique experience of working with primary school children and street children from a completely different culture and become part of our lively volunteer community!


  • Are you studying, for example, teaching, technology, special needs or social pedagogy?

  • You have at least 6 months time?

  • Would you like to live and work in a team of 6-8 student volunteers from Germany, Namibia and South Africa?

  • You are resilient and do not see yourself as a white savior?

Our current teams

As you can see, we are currently quite well staffed again.
In the fourth quarter of 2022, 14 volunteers in Paternoster and 11 in Außenkehr are working on our foundation project.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to exchange ideas with a former volunteer about his/her experiences.

Insights into our work in Namibia

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The Namibian television reports about our work in Außenkehr Farm


Watch the moving two-part documentary by the Namibian TV station NBC1 about our Aussenkehr Volunteer Project. We are very grateful and also a little proud to have achieved this attention in the country.


4th stakeholder meeting
in Aussenkehr

On May 11th our annual project conference took place again in the Norotshama Lodge in Außenkehr Farm. More than 20 participants from Namibia, South Africa and Germany accepted the invitation of our foundation in real or via video call to get informed about the developments of ourengagement, to critically examine the impact of our work but also to develop new forward-looking ideas and visions. In addition to the reports from our project work, the two topics "construction of a new library" and "Life Skills" were in the focus of our workshops this year.

We would like to thank all our partners for their time and their interesting input and look forward to draw many valuable new ideas for our work with the children and young people on site.

One way to support us in a very concrete way:
our special projects and training programs in Namibia:

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Construction of a school library

The elementary school at Aussenkehr Farm has a handful of books for more than 800 children.  Many of the children have never held a book in their hands before!  Together with the principal and her 26 teachers, the University of Namibia (UNAM), the Together with the Namibian Library and Archive Service and the Directorate for Education, Art and Culture of the IIKharas Region, we are developing the concept for the first school library in southern Namibia.

Special project for individual support and school children1
Individual support for school children

Since 2022 the foundation has been funding four pupils to continue their schooling from grade 8 onwards at the Waldorf School in Windhoek. By the time they graduate, they should have learned German with the support of the Goethe-Institut. Afterwards, they can expect three years of vocational training in Germany, which should enable them to gain a foothold in their home town. Another four children are to follow at the Waldorf School from 2023. Are you interested in sponsoring a child?

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Social work

The Foundation has been a partner of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) since October 2021 and is sending two students of child and youth work to Aussenkehr Farm for their practical phases. Over the next three years, they will gain practical experience both at the school, the local health station and in accompanying the "Health Extension Workers" in the Informal Settlement. A concept for Mobile Youth Work for Aussenkehr Farm is being planned.

Become a "future donor" with us.


Many thanks: Voloteam from the 3rd quarter of 2022


As thestateWhen the cornmeal was not delivered, they became active and collected donations worth 580 euros for the morning school breakfast with their friends and families in Germanyin outward turn. You guys are just great!

And support us in setting up our projects in Germany and Africa.

There are many ways to support us! It is important to us that we find a form of participation that is tailor-made for you! We should talk about that.

Of course, we are happy about every financial and material donation that we can use for short-term needs and occasions within our projects. Every euro counts!


What we currently need can be found here:

No matter what form of donation you choose, we guarantee that your donation will go where it is intended.

Feel free to contact us!

Impressions from our foundation work

A day in the life of a volunteer in Paternoster - 2018

Life Skill Program Paternoster Volunteer Project - 2019

3rd Paternoster Project Conference - 2019

Our partners

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