Reading and media literacy
What tomorrows world will look like, depends to a large extent on the imagination of those who are learning to read right now." (Astrid Lindgren)
2014 Design learning environment (Jungbusch School Mannheim)
The Jungbusch School Mannheim is a primary school with special needs. 90% of the students have a migration background, and they often live in social hardships. The profile of the Jungbusch School Mannheim is based on three pillars: language support - integration - social learning. In 2011, the teaching staff developed a new teaching and learning concept that takes the needs of the students seriously and enables them to learn individually. With the help of the foundation, learning materials for the subjects German, mathematics and general knowledge could be purchased, which promote the independent, differentiated and independent learning of the children and support a relaxed learning atmosphere in the classroom.
2013 A sunken world – the stilt houses in Lake Constance 3D/virtual/interactive
(University of Technology, Economics and Design (HTWG), Constance)
An innovative learning platform for children that was developed at the "Architecture and Design" faculty at the Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG) and was exhibited as part of the 2nd International Archaeological Film Festival. Five students produced a virtual and interactive learning environment for the world heritage site of the stilt houses in Unteruhldingen on Lake Constance. They worked with software from the world market leader for 3D visualization world-viz (www.worldviz.com), which makes it possible to create movements and actions in a virtual space in real time. Visitors to the exhibition were able to use 3D glasses and computers to travel back to the Stone Age. They not only moved there with mouse and trackpad, but “really” walked through the virtual village made of stilt houses, a house or a forest, so that they could discover objects, food and ways of life typical of the time.
The scientific supervision was provided by the Limnological Institute in Hemmenhofen under the direction of Dr. Herman Schlichtherle. The result impressed children, young people and adults alike and shows how exciting and playful knowledge transfer and museum visits could be in the future.
2012/2013 reading promotion through reading aloud (Pedagogical University, Weingarten)
A reading promotion project, created under the direction of Prof. Dr. phil. Jürgen Belgrade, Professor of Literature and Literature Didactics at the Weingarten University of Education. The idea is as impressively simple as it is effective: teachers read to their classes regularly, several times a week, for around 10 minutes over a longer period of time (approx. 6 months). In his scientific study, Prof. Dr. Belgrade prove that reading aloud regularly can be highly effective in terms of improving reading skills as well as the atmosphere and concentration in school classes. The foundation accompanied this process by supporting the existing multiplier concept in and around Stuttgart.
2012/2013 Learning studio: stimulating learning environment and attractive place to read (Geschwister-Scholl-School, Tübingen)
The Geschwister-Scholl-School in Tübingen has been implementing the community school concept since the start of the 2012/13 school year. In addition, since 2009 the school has been involved in the "ERKO" (extended cooperation) school experiment, an inclusion model. A community school concept such as "ERKO"; consciously makes the differences between the children in their abilities, their willingness to perform and their perseverance the starting point for school design. This also means that places of learning have to change and be redesigned. An existing specialist room was converted into a learning studio. Similar to a library, with a stock of books and other learning materials, individual desks and some computer workstations, this room should not only be used to process learning packages, but at the same time be an attractive and stimulating place to read and retreat for schoolchildren. In January 2013, Christian Neuber, Chairman of the Foundation, donated books, interactive media and seating to the Geschwister-Scholl-School. The learning guides and the inclusion class had gathered in the newly furnished learning studio to receive the donated media as part of a small ceremony. There was great joy in the diverse youth non-fiction books and in the interactive media, which were studied with enthusiasm right there and then in the comfortable beanbags. The connection between learning and the learning environment also became clear to the visitors: competence goals cannot be achieved in just any environment.
2012/2013 School library: reading as a living space (Schönborn-Gymnasium, Bruchsal)
The aim of the "Reading as a living space" project was to encourage people to enjoy reading and reading books in their free time. The request of the initiator, Mrs. Dr. Imke Michel, it was to make the leisure reading area of the school library of the Schönborn-Gymnasium in Bruchsal as attractive and appealing as possible. In addition to the books, it was therefore also necessary to purchase the appropriate furniture.
With the help of the foundation, a basic set of books could be set up. The foundation also provided the materials for the reading stairs and some comfortable seating. The handover and inauguration of the new reading stairs in the school´s leisure reading area took place as part of a school festival before the start of the summer holidays.
2010/2011 media working group: video, photography and radio (Thomas-Morus-Realschule, Östringen)
The media working group at the Thomas-Morus-Realschule in Östringen is aimed at pupils in grades 7 to 10. In a three-year cycle, the working group offers pupils the opportunity to gain insight into the areas of video, photography and radio. In addition to practical work, the focus is on imparting software knowledge. The students get to know the types, design principles and aesthetic aspects of multimedia offerings and can use the newly acquired knowledge to independently assess films, photographs and radio reports. In 2010, two teachers and a group of very dedicated students enthusiastically set out to take, edit and move images. The concept also included the idea of establishing the multimedia working group as an integral part of the school community, for example as school photographers at events or by creating a database of flowering plant photos that can be used in biology lessons in the long term. Our foundation supported the Medien-AG with funds to purchase suitable photo equipment.
2010/2011 school library: reading carousel (Theodor-Heuss-Realschule, Heidelberg)
The "Lesekarussell" is a project to promote reading at the Theodor-Heuss-Realschule in Heidelberg. The idea: Pupils from the Bücher AG buy ten new books for the school library every 6 weeks. These then go into a class as a media box. The students in the class can take turns borrowing the books for six weeks to read - the "reading carousel". As part of the reading carousel, there was a competition in the 2010/11 school year for the best assessment of a new book. A book voucher worth 15 euros was up for grabs. The new books, along with reviews, were then exhibited in the school library and included in the general lending service. The book club and the reading carousel not only motivate them to read regularly, but also promote critical examination of literature and the independence of the pupils. On the one hand, the foundation liked the participation of the students in the student library, on the other hand, the low-threshold provision of the books directly in the classroom and financed the purchase of the books as well as the book vouchers.