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Reading alert

We bring the books directly into the classroom to stimulate the desire to read

The "reading alarm" was designed and implemented in 2011 in cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education. The idea: to bring current, appealing and target group-oriented childrens and young people books directly into the classroom in order to make the pupils want to read as part of the free reading time at school.

2011: pilot phaseat three junior high schools in Bad Liebenzell, Rutesheim and Weil der Stadt.

2012: reading alert competition: Wanted: the best class register on the subject of “reading? - I like it!“
There were over 200 entries. Pupils in grades 5-7 dealt with the topic of reading pleasure in a wide variety of ways. All contributions were rewarded with a fire-red book box full of reading material and audio books. The winners of the main prize were happy about a sponsored school trip.

2014: Evaluationwith the conclusion that the "reading alarm" is a positive enrichment for free reading time and is used regularly (at least once a week).

2015: Read Alert reloaded. Continuation and deepening of the »reading alarm« at ten secondary schools in Bietigheim-Bissingen, Böblingen, Ebersbach/Fils, Holzgerlingen, Korntal-Münchingen, Ludwigsburg, Rutesheim, Stuttgart, Weil der Stadt and Weinstadt. At these schools, all 5th and 6th grades are provided with new, exciting and interesting books. As befits books, these can be presented on an attractive shelf in the classroom. Beforehand, the German teachers and “reading alarm” officers at these schools received further training to ensure that the books are actively used in the classroom to promote reading, for example during free reading time, when read aloud and as part of teaching units.

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